1-3: The Principle to Perfect a World of Love

1-3: The Principle to Perfect a World of Love

1-3: The Principle to Perfect a World of Love 900 490 Happiness Initiative

In the last section, we talked about our original purpose in life is to create love. Our life purpose is not becoming the wealthiest person in the world, the most famous person, or even living comfortably. Going back to the root, it’s simply to create a world of love.

If you also resonate with this idea, do you know how we can achieve this?

There is a so-called principle.

Let’s talk about it.

First off, any kind of relationship has a subject-object relationship. Here, ‘subject’ means the person investing and giving love. This can be emotional affection, verbal gratitude, doing something for someone without expecting anything in return, etc. ‘Object’ means the person receiving that love. Now, this subject-object relationship is not confined to people-people (parent-child, husband-wife, etc) relationships. It can be with any form of living existence, including nature.

What’s so important about a subject-object relationship? Well, it is truly this relationship that determines whether love is created or not.

Here’s an example.

Let’s say there is a husband and wife. The husband is always grateful to his wife and loves her dearly. He decides that he wants to do something for his wife to express his love and gratitude, and he decides to do all the house chores for the day. He wakes up extra early, cleans the house, cooks breakfast, and does the laundry.

The wife wakes up and sees that her husband did all the house chores. Although she is surprised at first, she is thinking to herself, “Ugh, he didn’t have to cook an entire breakfast. There’s still leftovers from yesterday’s dinner that needs to be finished before it goes bad. Goodness, why isn’t he doing this every day? Does he even know how hard house chores are? I have to do this every day, but he thinks one day is enough for his part.” The wife feels that her husband should be doing house chores and takes this day’s occasion for granted. Because she is taking this for granted, she doesn’t bother even thanking her husband.

Was love created here?

Not really.


It is because the wife did not value the love of her husband and the action he took to express that love. Of course she still loves her husband, but this love for her husband did not grow.

Therefore, the principle of the subject-object relationship is the “object partner holds the absolute value”. For the perfection of love, an object partner is absolutely necessary, and the value of the subject’s love is determined by the object partner.

If the object partner does not recognize, take the love for granted, or feels that love is not needed, the subject’s love has absolutely no value. Regardless of how the object partner values the subject’s love, the subject absolutely needs an object partner because without an object partner, the subject has no place to invest love.

Going back to the scenario, what if the wife was so amazed by what her husband did for the morning? What if she really felt her husband’s love through the house chores he did? For sure, the wife would have given the greatest value to her husband’s love, and her love for her husband would have grown. In that kind of scenario, love would have been created and multiplied.

To recap, love is created in the principle of “subject-object relationship”. This is the key to creating a world of love and fulfilling our original purpose as human beings.

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