1-2: What is the purpose of human beings?

1-2: What is the purpose of human beings?

1-2: What is the purpose of human beings? 960 640 Happiness Initiative

Why are human beings living in a three-dimensional world? Why do we exist in a world, full of limitations? For example, even though I want to pull an all-nighter to prepare for my final exam tomorrow, my body will reach its limit, and I will feel incredibly tired and drowsy. To add on, in most cases, there is a limit to how long I can retain information.

We are also bound by time.

We all have our physical limits.

We need to put effort and work towards obtaining the things we need and want.

We are immortal.

If you believe that human beings were created by a superior Being, have you ever wondered why we were created this way? Why weren’t we created to resemble the almighty superior Being?

If you believe in an afterlife, have you ever wondered why we are living in this three-dimensional world? Why are we not living in the world of afterlife that transcends time and space? Doesn’t it sound more convenient to live in just the afterlife?

Let’s solve why we human beings live in a limited, three-dimensional world.

Here’s a story to explain our purpose of existence here on this earth:

Let’s say there is a family of six. Both parents love their four children equally, and none of the children felt less loved than their siblings.

One day, the parents bought cinnamon buns (the children’s favorite dessert) at a local bakery. However, the parents could only manage to buy three. They have four children but only three cinnamon buns.

What to do….

One option is for the parents to take this into their own hands and split the cinnamon buns into 3/4 sizes and giving that portion to each children. It’s fair and square, isn’t it? The children wouldn’t argue with each other (they may argue over which portion is bigger but aside from that) or feel less loved. Everyone will receive the same amount of cinnamon buns. No complaints.

But, the parents did not do this. They gave all three cinnamon buns to their first child.


Now the first child is confused to why his parents gave all the cinnamon buns to him and not to his siblings.

He wondered a lot because he knew his parents loved all of them equally.

Then, he reached to a conclusion. He said to himself, “I get it! Mom and dad wants me to love my younger brother and sisters as much as they do!”

With the answer he reached, he gave to each one of them, one whole cinnamon bun and not keep any for himself.

Receiving their own big, round, cinnamon bun, the younger siblings were all very moved. They felt, “Wow, big bro loves these cinnamon buns too, but he gave us these cinnamon buns without keeping even a little bit for himself.”

The younger siblings were so thankful that they took 1/4 of the cinnamon buns they had in their possession and gave it to their older brother with an additional big heart of love for him.

The End.

Did you get what just happened? In the end, all the siblings ended up having an equal, 3/4 of cinnamon buns.

But what was ultimately different from the parents doing this in the first place?

The answer is LOVE.

In all the relationships within this family, love was created and strengthened. This wouldn’t have happened without the limited number of cinnamon buns.

So, here’s the answer to why human beings live in a limited, three-dimensional world:

To create and multiply love.

We live in this kind of world to create love. Love can only be created when something is sacrificed. Sacrifice exists only in limitations. I may have to give up something in order to make someone else happy, but this is how we can truly feel love.

We human beings were created in this kind of world to create a world of love. This is the original purpose of human beings.


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