Learn more about the Happiness Project

The happiness initiative is a crucial project to contribute to the success and well-being of our community here in Las Vegas. Through our resources, education, and global initiatives we strive to provide a higher understanding of life and the world we live in. Our community center will be the home for local nonprofit organizations that everyday are serving our local community. We will provide vital resources and educational programs on issues such as character education, personal development, financial planning, legal services, and more.

Our Core Values


Totally Invest

We can be happiest when we always have the heart of giving without expecting anything in return.

Better Others

Happiness comes when we can believe and trust in people. By having the value of wanting to better others more than myself, we can be happy.

Share and Empathize

Happiness becomes greater when it is shared. True happiness is when we can share our joy and be joyful of another’s joy more than my own.

Take Responsibility

A happy state is when we aren’t forced or judged. By bearing responsibility, we take the initiative to do something and create a better environment for others.

Hold Interest

Happiness is when I can take interest in others and expand my horizons instead of being occupied in my own world with my own problems. Seeing a bigger picture and a greater world will create a path for my happiness.