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July 2018 – Happiness Initiative
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July 2018

Intro: What is true happiness? 1024 576 Happiness Initiative

Intro: What is true happiness?


We all want to be happy. That is our state of comfort and joy.
So, what brings us happiness?

Desire can be anything–from a simple hunger craving to a career goal.

Why do we have such an irresistible, strong feeling called desire?

In what situations can we come to feel joy and ultimately happiness?

The answer is rather simple.

Happiness comes when our desires are fulfilled. 

In other words, desire is our source of happiness.

When we get what we want, we feel a lot of joy.

However, desire has been a source of unhappiness as well. As people sought for more than what can be provided, such as more land, more power, or more money, it ignited conflicts, wars, and destruction.

Desire can bring two different sources of emotions. Then, how can I choose the way to be happy with having desire?

The answer is simple yet complicated for many of us to apply in our practice of living.

When desire is used for self-interest that only cares about one’s own happiness and disregarding others, it brings unhappiness. If I desire to have something that roots down to my own satisfaction, this kind of desire will ultimately lead to unhappiness. I will always be in the state of worry and conflict because I will not stop seeking for more.

On the contrary, if desire is used to fulfill the desire of others, altruism, there is happiness. If I desire to do something that brings others joy, then, my state of mind will be at peace and harmony.

Why is that so?

This is the original human nature.

All kinds of religions have guided a path for us to lose desire. Religions taught that if we do not have desire, there can be a state of peace in our minds. However, having desire is the original characteristics of human beings, and therefore, desire is something that needs to be embraced within ourselves, not rejected.

Human beings do not have to rid themselves of desire in order to live a happy life. We just need to change the direction of our desire.

Hard to believe?

Then, we recommend that you test this out. Ask your heart which direction of desire you feel more attuned to. We promise you that this is the principle that can lead to true happiness within you and to your loved ones.

Thanks for reading!


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